About Us

About Us | Ajiraonline.com

Ajiraonline was founded in 2022 and has since grown into a well-known group of passionate Content Creators. We focus on breaking news in the fields of Education, Careers. We also create compelling human-interest stories and educational content.

If you believe that the Content, we uploaded to ajiraonline.com violates your copyright, please contact us using the email address provided below to make a request. Include your relationship to the copyrighted work’s owner, your full contact information, and the URL of the Audio, Video, and Articles you’re referring to.

We are constantly striving to take our blog to the next level, with the goal of becoming one of the best and most dependable sources of unique content on the planet. Send an email to info@ajiraonline.com

Ajiraonline respects copyright holders’ rights and will work with them to ensure that infringing material is removed from our service. We review all Content to ensure that no copyrighted material is uploaded. If you believe an article infringes on your copyright or the copyright of someone you represent, please notify us via the email address provided below.